5-8 September 2019
Nomad Venice is taking place in partnership with the Venice Glass Week, aiming to strengthen one of Venice’s historic artisan crafts and remaining industries. Venetian glassmaking exists since the 8th century, and its tradition encompasses master-glassmakers working with materials of a special chemical composition melted under high temperatures in furnaces. With regards to the rich cultural heritage of Murano, the presence of leading artisans, renowned furnaces and achools, NOMAD is looking forward to initiate an international survey of the material and its contemporary diaspora through special projects, commissions and collaborations between local craft and global galleries designers.
The venue , Palazzo Sorano Van Axel, is a Gothic palace built in 1473 on the southernmost tip of the Cannaregio quarter in Venice. With 3.500 sqm. on four floors, the period-listed building was once the residence of wealthy flemish textile merchants. Closed to the public until 2017, the palace has been restored with special attention to historical integrity over the duration of seven years.
At NOMAD 2019, Galleri Format Oslo will present works by the following craft artists and designers: Liv Blåvarp, Kari Håkonsen, Vidar Koksvik, Torbjørn Kvasbø, Kari Mølstad, Irene Nordli and Inger Johanne Rasmussen.