Elisa Helland-Hansen

For mat

11 October - 18 November 2018


Hel­land-Han­sen has de­voted her whole care­er to ma­king work me­ant for da­i­ly use in the kitch­en for ser­ving and sto­ring food and liquids. She in­vesti­ga­tes the clo­se re­la­tion­ship betwe­en uti­li­ty and form, de­tails like lips, vo­lu­me and dis­tri­bu­tion of weight. The in­te­rac­tion betwe­en tacti­le sur­faces and the she­en and co­lour ran­ges of gla­zes is also a sig­ni­fi­cant fe­atu­re of her work. At the ex­hi­bition FOR FOOD Eli­sa pre­sents a wide ran­ge of use­ful pots which have been cen­tral in her pro­duc­tion for a long time. She con­ti­nuous­ly se­eks to ennob­le known and use­ful items. The cups are most­ly made in por­celain whi­le ot­her ob­jects are made in sto­new­a­re clay. The work is fired in re­du­cing atmosphe­re to cone 10 (2370 F / 1300 C).

Hel­land-Han­sen, born 1950 in NYC, is edu­cated at the Na­tio­nal Col­le­ge of Art and De­sign in Ber­gen medio 1970s. She works full time at her stu­dio at Seims­foss near Ro­sen­dal and ex­hi­bits re­gu­lar­ly both in Nor­way and abroad. She was head of the Ce­ra­mic De­part­ment as pro­fes­sor at HDK, Got­hen­burg Uni­ver­sity from 2000 to 2005. Elisa Helland-Hansens work is represented at several public and private collections.