Bølgelengde / Wavelenght

8 Aug - 22 September 2024


Eirik Gjedrem possesses a deep fascination with water and its connection to the subconscious mind. He explores how the depths of the ocean can reflect the inner landscape of humans, and how the movement of water can shape both the physical and mental realms. Water's constant motion through all forms of life symbolizes an eternal connection and driving force. This theme has been central to his entire body of work.

Water is a vital component and shares properties with clay, the artist's preferred material. The connection with water is essential for clay's ability to be molded and transformed. Perforated surfaces, the use of glazes and colors, layer upon layer, create an illusion of depth and reflect the multifaceted nature of water. Movements, textures, and contrasts in form and surface seek to imbue the works with a vibrant, dynamic, and weightless character.

Eirik is particularly fascinated by the unique state experienced underwater. A world unfolds with sensory impressions, weightlessness, and a boundless universe. Diving into the depths provides an opportunity to sense oneself and explore one's own boundaries. Daily excursions combined with diving into the sea throughout the year offer experiences that can be transformed into his works. This essential morning ritual, an investment in the day, often contributes to solutions for artistic or technical problems or challenges and can turn around a poor start to the day. In addition to drawing inspiration from this, he also gathers seaweed, kelp, and other natural materials, which are used in molds or as texture materials.

Eirik Gjedrem (b. 1959, Ås) resides and works in Søgne. He has held solo exhibitions at venues such as Kunstnerforbundet (2022/1995), Kunstsilo (Sørlandets kunstmuseum) (2010), Kraft Bergen (2019), Telemark kunstsenter (2020), Risør kunstpark (2015), Ski kunstforening (2024), Søgne gml. Prestegård (2016/2004), Sandnes Kunstforening (2002), Centrum Goed Werk, Zulte, Belgium (2001), Galleri RAM (2000), and Kunstpunkt Lista (2023). In recent years, he has participated in group exhibitions at Agder kunstsenter (2020), Peder Balke-senteret (2019), Sørlandets Kunstmuseum (2015/2006), Hå prestegård (2021/2004), and Galleri Format (2012/2003). His works have been acquired by Kunstsilo, the National Museum, KODE, the Grimmerhus Ceramic Museum, the Röhsska Museum, Telenor, the Northern Norway Art Museum, the Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, and the Vest-Agder County Municipality, among others. Selected public commissions include: Søgne gml prestegård (2023), Jens Bjørneboes Plass, Kristiansand (2018), Justvik School, Kristiansand (2017), Moldebadet, Molde (2011), Badehallen, Skien Fritidspark (2008), University of Tromsø (2007).

Photo: Ingjerd Sandven Kleivan / Format