28 February - 3 March 2019
Collect is a gallery-presented art fair dedicated to modern craft and design, and provides an opportunity to discover and invest in exceptional work produced in the last five years by living artists, much of which is made exclusively for the Fair.
Collect 2019 occupied the Saatchi Gallery for four days with 45 galleries - the largest number of participating galleries in the fair's history - selected by an independent panel of experts, selling the work of over 400 artists. Alongside the galleries, Collect Open provided a platform for 15 individual artists to show ambitious and conceptual craft-led installations.
At COLLECT 2019, Galleri Format Oslo will present works by the following craft artists and designers: Liv Blåvarp, Kari Håkonsen, Vidar Koksvik, Irene Nordli, Inger Johanne Rasmussen, Bente Skjøttgaard, Leif Stangebye NIelsen, and Marit Tingleff.