31 August – 2 September

 On 31 Au­gust – 2 Sep­tem­ber 2018, CHART DE­SIGN will pre­sent an exclu­si­ve se­lection of the top de­sign gal­le­ries from the Nor­dic re­gion in the beaut­i­ful set­ting of Den Frie Cent­re of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Art in Co­pen­ha­gen.

At CHART DE­SIGN 2018, Gal­le­ri For­mat Oslo will pre­sent works by 7 ar­tists wor­king in the field of ma­te­ri­al-based art: Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl, Sigve Knutson, Elisabeth von Krogh, Nils Martin, Aurora Passero, Marit Tingleff, and Lillian Tørlen.

Fo­cu­sing on the cross sec­tions betwe­en art and de­sign the ex­hi­bi­ting gal­le­ries will pre­sent a va­rie­ty of col­lectib­le de­sign ob­jects ran­ging from 20th cen­tury mo­der­nism to con­tem­po­ra­ry sty­les. The ex­hi­bi­tors ran­ge from es­tab­lis­hed, spec­ia­lised gal­le­ries to expe­ri­men­tal newco­mers – all wor­king wit­hin the hig­hest le­vel of mo­dern and con­tem­po­ra­ry de­sign.

CHART DE­SIGN is not a tra­ditio­nal fair but an in­no­va­ti­ve, in­clu­si­ve plat­form that se­eks to chal­len­ge the boun­da­ries betwe­en ex­hi­bition, lear­ning and com­mer­ce. CHART DE­SIGN en­coura­ges col­la­bo­ra­tion, crea­ti­vity, ori­gi­na­li­ty and know­led­ge-sha­ring by uni­ting the le­ad­ing for­ces of the Nor­dic de­sign sce­ne.


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