31 August – 2 September
On 31 August – 2 September 2018, CHART DESIGN will present an exclusive selection of the top design galleries from the Nordic region in the beautiful setting of Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art in Copenhagen.
At CHART DESIGN 2018, Galleri Format Oslo will present works by 7 artists working in the field of material-based art: Martin Bodilsen Kaldahl, Sigve Knutson, Elisabeth von Krogh, Nils Martin, Aurora Passero, Marit Tingleff, and Lillian Tørlen.
Focusing on the cross sections between art and design the exhibiting galleries will present a variety of collectible design objects ranging from 20th century modernism to contemporary styles. The exhibitors range from established, specialised galleries to experimental newcomers – all working within the highest level of modern and contemporary design.
CHART DESIGN is not a traditional fair but an innovative, inclusive platform that seeks to challenge the boundaries between exhibition, learning and commerce. CHART DESIGN encourages collaboration, creativity, originality and knowledge-sharing by uniting the leading forces of the Nordic design scene.